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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 10505241"

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\q (19) World Intellectual Property Organization 


20 AUG 2004 


International Bureau 

(43) International Publication Date 
18 September 2003 (18.09.2003) 


(10) International Publication Number 

WO 03/076534 Al 

(51) International Patent Classification 7 : C09D 15/12, 
B32B 15/08 

(21) International Application Number: PCT/US03/06609 

(22) International Filing Date: 5 March 2003 (05.03.2003) 

(25) Filing Language: English 

(26) Publication Language: English 

(30) Priority Data: 


5 March 2002 (05.03.2002) US 
17 April 2002 (17.04.2002) US 

(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): CHEM- 
ogy Commercialization Office, Adams Hall 321, DeKalb, 
IL 60115 (US). 

(72) Inventor; and 

(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): LIN, Chhiu-Tsu 

[US/US]; Northern Illinois University, Department of 
Chemistry and Biochemistry, DeKalb, IL 60115 (US). 

(74) Agents: KOHN, Kenneth, L et al.; Kohn & Associates, 
PLLC, 30500 Northwestern Highway, Suite 410, Farming- 
ton Hills, MI 48334 (US). 

(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU, 
AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CO, CR, CU, 
CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, ES, H, GB, GD, GE, GH, 
GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, 
LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, 
MX, MZ, NO, NZ, OM, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, 
SG, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, 
VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW. 

(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM, 
KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), 
Eurasian patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), 
European patent (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, 
ES, FT, FR, GB, GR, HU, EE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, RO, 
SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, 
GA, GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). 


— with international search report 

— before the expiration of the time limit for amending the 
claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of 

For two-letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid- 
ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations" appearing at the begin- 
ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette. 





(57) Abstract: Chromium-free coating composition with anti-corrosion and anti-fingerprint properties, particularly suitable for 
metal alloys, especially galvanized steel, and coated articles. Composition comprises aqueous-resin emulsion, hazardous air pol- 
lutant-free co-solvent, organo-functional silane, metal chelating agent, and chromium-free corrosion inhibitor, and optionally pH 
adjusting agent. 

WO 03/070534 PCT/US03/06609 



1. Technical Field 

The present invention relates to a coating for metal alloys. More specifically, 
the present invention relates to a chrome-free coating for protecting metal alloys 
from deterioration and corrosion. 

2. Background Art 

It is well known in the art that galvanized steel must be protected from 
oxidation. Various methods have been developed for protecting against oxidation. 
Some examples include chromate treatment technology and electrolytic chromate 
treatment technology. However, one problem with these methods is that the 
methods are unable to form a chromate film on metals simply by coating the metals 
and then drying. 

Unlike reactive chromate treatment technology and electrolytic chromate 
treatment technology, dry-in-place chromate treatment technology is able to form a 
chromate film on metals simply by coating the metals and then drying. As a result, a 
distinguishing feature of dry-in-place chromate treatment is that it is not limited to 
particular metal substrates. As a result, dry-in-place chromate treatment is frequently 
used to impart corrosion resistance to metal surfaces to improve their adherence to 
resins and most importantly to improve paint adherence and post-painting corrosion 
resistance when painting is carried out. 

At the present time, the main metals used in flat sheet structures are 
zinciferous-plated steel sheet, aluminum, and aluminum alloy flat sheet. These are 
widely used in such economic sectors as automotive applications, household 
electrical appliances, building materials, and so forth. These materials are almost 
inevitably subjected to a chromate treatment due to contemporary demands for high 
added value. 

A distinguishing feature of dry-in-place chromate treatment technology is that 
it is not limited to particular metal substrates. However, this technology has other 
advantages. Because a desirable film is obtained through just a simple application 
step, there is no specific requirement for long reaction times, and simple equipment 
can be used, so that the line length can be reduced. Moreover, the effluent 


WO 03/076534 PCT/US03/0S609 

treatment load is light because a post-treatment water rinse is not required. Also, 
because dry-in-place films usually contain a higher proportion of corrosion-inhibiting 
hexavalent chromium than do reactive chromate and electrolytic chromate films, dry- 
in-place chromate films can provide a higher corrosion resistance than the other two 
types at the same add-on weight. 

The corrosion-inhibiting hexavalent chromium is soluble in the water of wet 
corrosive ambients. One drawback to dry-in-place chromate films is that they are 
generally more soluble in water than reactive or electrolytic chromate films. The 
main component exhibiting water solubility in dry-in-place chromate films is the 
hexavalent chromium ions, and films exhibiting a high water solubility of this type are 
denoted below as "low-fixed-chromium" films. As is well known, the hexavalent 
chromium ions are pollutants, and this fact has generally created demand for a 
sparingly water-soluble dry-in-place chromate film having a high proportion of fixed 
or immobilized chromium. 

In addition to the problem of environmental pollution, the low proportion of 
fixed chromium in dry-in-place chromate films creates other problems for industrial 
application. One such problem is that the alkaline degreasing process elutes 
hexavalent chromium. A degreasing step is generally required during the conversion 
of dry-in-place chromated metal stock into finished product. The degreasing step 
takes place in downstream channels in order to remove contaminants, such as oil, 
dust, iron powder, and the like, that have been picked up during various stages and 
of course during press forming. Since traditional solvent degreasing is in the course 
of being discontinued due to global environmental issues, waterborne degreasing, 
such as alkaline degreasing, normally must be employed for this purpose. The 
elution of a portion of the dry-in-place chromate film by alkaline degreasing requires 
the installation of special effluent treatment facilities in order to treat the hexavalent 
chromium ions in the spent degreasing bath. 

Another problem occurs when waterborne resin coatings are applied on dry- 
in-place chromated stock. A very recent trend with flat sheet metal stock is that the 
stock is increasingly being painted with organic resin at the manufacturing stage in 
order to obtain various characteristics such as corrosion resistance, fingerprint 
resistance, lubricity, and insulating characteristics. Again, in the case of organic 
resins, solvent-based resins are being replaced by waterbprne resins for the same 

WO 03/076534 PCT/US03/06609 

environmental reason as above. The hexavalent chromium ions eluted from dry-in- 
place chromate coatings inhibit dispersion of the waterborne resin in such 
waterborne resin coatings. This either prevents normal application and formation of 
the resin coating or ends up gelling the resin coating bath itself. 
5 The reasons outlined above have prompted strong demand for the 

appearance of a dry-in-place chromate treatment bath that provides a sparingly 
water soluble film, i.e., a "high-fixed-chromium" film. 


Dry-in-place chromate treatment baths generally take the form of Cr - 
containing aqueous chromic acid or dichromic acid solutions, and several methods 

io have already been proposed that provide sparingly water-soluble dry-in-place 
chromate films using such baths. 

Japanese Examined Patent Application [Kokoku] Number Sho 61-58552 
[58,552/1986] discloses a method that uses a chromating bath based on chromic 
acid, chromic acid reduction product, and silica sol. However, the hexavalent 

15 chromium in the chromate film is still readily eluted when a surface-treated steel 
sheet bearing a chromate film formed by this method is submitted, during processing 
and painting operations, to a pre-paint alkaline rinse. This causes the corrosion 
resistance of the film to decline. 

Japanese Patent Application Laid Open [Kokai or Unexamined] Numbers Sho 

20 58-22383 [22,383/1983] and Sho 62-83478 [83,478/1987] teach the use of a silane 
coupling agent to reduce hexavalent chromium ions in the chromate treatment bath. 
In each case the coatings afforded by these methods have an excellent paint film 
adherence. However, the chromate film afforded by the former method has a poor 
alkali resistance, because it is laid down from a phosphoric acid-free chromate 

25 treatment bath. The chromate film afforded by the latter method also has a similarly 
inadequate alkali resistance. 

Japanese Patent Application Laid Open [Kokai or Unexamined] Number Sho 
63-96275 [96,275/1988] teaches a treatment method that uses a chromate 
treatment bath containing organic resin whose molecule has been functionalized 

30 with specific amounts of hydroxyl group. The alkali resistance is again often 
inadequate in this case because the organic resin in the chromate coating formed by 
this method contains carboxyl moieties produced by oxidation by chromic acid. In 
addition, the treatment bath stability in this case is strongly impaired because the 


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reaction of the hydroxyl-functional organic resin and chromic acid proceeds even in 
the treatment bath itself. 

Japanese Patent Publication [Kokoku] Number Hei 7-33583 [33,583/1995] 
teaches a chromate treatment method that uses a chromate treatment bath 
5 containing carboxylic acid and/or a carboxylic acid derivative. This chromate 
treatment bath affords only an inadequate improvement in application performance. 
In addition, because baking at 150° C to 300° C is required, this method entails 
substantial cost for its heating facilities, which runs counter to the current trend of 
economizing on energy. Thus, drying temperatures not exceeding 100° C are 
10 desirable in order to fully exploit the overall merits of dry-in-place chromate 
treatment systems. 

As has been described above, the prior dry-in-place chromate treatment 
baths and treatment methods have suffered from a number of drawbacks, and a dry- 
in-place chromate treatment bath and treatment method that would be free of these 

15 drawbacks has remained heretofore unknown. In other words, to date there has yet 
to appear a dry-in-place chromate treatment bath and corresponding treatment 
method that provide a good application performance and bath stability while also 
providing metal surfaces with a sparingly water soluble chromate film with a good 
alkali resistance, water resistance, corrosion resistance, and paint film adherence. 

20 Rust-proof properties have conventionally been imparted to cold-rolled steel 

sheets, galvanized steel sheets, zinc-based alloy-plated steel sheets, and aluminum- 
plated steel sheets used for automobiles, electrical appliances, building materials, 
and the like, usually by coating their surfaces with chromate layers. Chromating 
treatment includes electrolytic chromating and application chromating. Electrolytic 

25 chromating is accomplished, for example, by using a bath composed mainly of 
chromic acid and also containing other anions such as sulfate, phosphate, borate, 
and halogens, for treatment of the metal sheet by cathodic electrolytic treatment. 
Application chromating is designed in consideration of the problem of elution of 
chromium from chromated metal sheets, and it thus involves preparation of a 

3 o treatment solution by adding an inorganic colloid or inorganic anion to a solution with 
a portion of the hexavalent chromium portion reduced to trivalent chromium 
beforehand or to a solution with a specified ratio of hexavalent chromium to trivalent 


. WO 03/076534 


chromium, and immersing the metal sheet therein or spraying the metal sheet with 
the treatment solution. 

Those chromate layers formed by electrolysis do not have sufficient corrosion 
resistance despite the low elution of hexavalent chromium and there is particular 
5 • loss of corrosion resistance in cases where considerable layer damage occurs 
during working, etc. On the other hand, while metal sheets coated with application 
chromated layers have high corrosion resistance and especially high excellent 
corrosion resistance of worked sections, elution of hexavalent chromium from the 
chromate layers has been a problem. Elution of hexavalent chromium can be 
10 considerably reduced by coating with organic polymers, but this is still inadequate. 
Although an improvement in reducing elution of hexavalent chromium can generally 
be achieved by a method known as resin chromating treatment, such as disclosed in 
Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 5-230666, it is still impossible to avoid 
trace elution. 

15 Thus, in order to completely inhibit elution of hexavalent chromium, it is 

necessary to develop a corrosion-resistant layer that uses absolutely no hexavalent 

One previous anti-corrosion technique for incorporating absolutely no 
hexavalent chromium is a method under development that uses an organic-based 

20 corrosion inhibitor. The presently known ( organic-based corrosion inhibitors include 
carboxylates such as benzoates, azelates, etc. and compounds containing --S-, - 
N — (which readily interact with metal ions), as well as complexes thereof. 

Techniques for including organic-based corrosion inhibitors in layers have 
been proposed. Examples of such layers include the hydrooxime complex of zinc 

25 disclosed in Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 62-23989, the metal 
chelate compounds of Mg, Ca, Ba, Zn, Al, Ti, Zr, Sn, Ni, etc. disclosed in Japanese 
Unexamined Patent Publication No. 3-183790 and Japanese Unexamined Patent 
Publication No. 2-222556, the alkali earth metal salts, transition metal salts, and 
transition metal complexes of organic compounds disclosed in Japanese 

30 Unexamined Patent Publication No. 6-321851 and the titanium and zirconium 
complexes of carboxylic acids disclosed in Japanese Unexamined Patent 
Publication No. 8-48916. These corrosion inhibitors, however, have weak anti- 
corrosion effects due to the metal elements forming the complexes and thus have 



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failed to provide the same function as hexavalent chromium. In particular, almost 
no corrosion resistance can be expected at damaged sections or at the locations of 
layer defects produced during working. 

Japanese Unexamined Patent Publication No. 7-188951 discloses a rare 
earth metal-organic chelate compound for the purpose of inhibiting corrosion of 
metals that contact solutions, such as radiators or pipes. This corrosion inhibitor was 
designed as a water-soluble compound, to allow continuous provision of the 
corrosion inhibitor to corrosion sites by circulation of the solution. Consequently, 
although the strong anti-corrosion effect of the rare earth metal element is utilized, 
with layers on metal sheets wherein the absolute amount of corrosion inhibitor onto 
the corrosion sites is limited by the coating coverage, elution occurs out of the layer 
in humid atmospheres so that long-term corrosion resistance comparable to 
chromate layers cannot be achieved. 

An example of an anti-corrosive layer is a magnesium alloy materials. 
Magnesium alloy materials have the lightest weight among the practical metallic 
materials. Magnesium alloy materials also have a large specific strength and a good 
castability. Wider application of the materials to cases, structural bodies, various 
parts, etc. of household appliances, audio systems, aircrafts, automobiles, etc. has 
been desired. Particularly, Al-containing AZ91D (Al: 8.3-9.7wt. %) and AM60B (Al: 
5.5-6.5 wt. %) have a good fluidity in die-casting and thixo molding and thus are 
most desirable alloys. 

However, magnesium has the most basic normal electrode potential among 
the practical metallic materials resulting in high corrosion susceptibility when the 
metal is brought into contact with other metals and a considerably poor anti- 
corrosiveness in an aqueous acidic, neutral, or chloride solution. For its application 
to corrosion-excluding positions, e.g. good appearance-maintaining positions etc., it 
is necessary to provide an anticorrosive treatment. The thin coat and conductive 
layer are preferred. Coatings are the most popular anti-corrosion means, but it is 
hard to apply coatings to magnesium alloy materials per se because of the 
disadvantage that the resulting coating film has poor adhesiveness. Sometimes, 
corrosion may occur under the coating film, and thus it is the ordinary practice to 
conduct a substrate surface treatment in advance of the coating process. 

The substrate surface treatment technology includes, for example, substrate 


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surface, treatments of forming a metal oxide film or a sparingly soluble salt film by 
chemical conversion treatment or anodizing using such heavy metal oxo acid salts 
as chromates, permanganates, or phosphates so as to improve the corrosion 
resistance and the adhesiveness of coating films. The chemical conversion coatings 
5 generate a large amount of wastewater and toxic chemical contaminants. 

It is also the ordinary coating practice to use oil paints and synthetic resin 
paints that contain lead compounds, zinc powder and its compounds, chromates, 
etc. as an anticorrosive pigment. 

Processes for forming an anticorrosive film on a magnesium alloy are 

10 disclosed in JP-A-9-1 76894 and JP-A-9-228062. 

Surface treatments using specific chemical compounds such as chromates 
and permanganates have problems relating to environmental friendliness, such as 
effluent water pollution problems and skin allergy problems for operators. The use of 
such surface treatments is increasingly subject to strict regulations. Phosphates are 

15 also more or less harmful to the environment and the corrosion resistance of 
resulting phosphate films is not satisfactory. The salt (fog) spray test (ASTM B117) 
shows corrosion in 24 hours. Substitute processes for such substrate surface 
treatments are under development but these methods still have problems with 
respect to corrosion resistance. 

20 Lead compounds or chromates contained as anticorrosive pigments in 

coating technology have problems relating to environmental friendliness. 
Furthermore, there are occasionally problems relating to corrosions. These 
problems are due to diffusion of oxygen or water generated by corrosion present 
under the coating film or by coating film defects. 

25 The invention disclosed in Japanese patent JP-A-9-1 76894 relates to an 

electrolytic treatment. Anodizing requires a power source of high voltage. An entirely 
uniform film is hard to obtain. The patent discloses treatments using an organometal 
that are highly reactive and thus an entirely uniform film is likewise hard to obtain. 

It would be useful to develop an alloy coating that is easy to apply, 

30 environmentally friendly, and anti-corrosive. The preferred coating is a water-based 
system containing no carcinogenic chromates and no hazardous air pollutant (HAP) 


WO 03/076534 PCT/US03/06609 


According to the present invention, there is provided a metal alloy coating 
composition, the coating having a chrome-free environmentally friendly formulation. 
The coating can be used as an anti-corrosion coating and an anti-fingerprint coating. 


Figures 1A and B are photographs showing two panels coated with this 
chrome- and HAP-free formulation were subjected to 120 hours of ASTM B-117 

Figures 2A and B are photographs that display panels of 2024-T3 
Bare/Alodine 1200 (Figure 2 A) and on 2024-T3 Bare/AFP (Figure 2B) coated with 
AD931 8/AD2298 primer after a 1 000 hour salt spray test; and 

Figure 3 shows the Bode-magnitude plots (frequency vs. impedance) of 
AD9318/AD2298 coated on 2024-T3 Bare/AFP panels after soaking in 3% NaCI 
solution for 72 hours (♦) and 1000 hours (▲), and those on 2024-T3 Bare/Alodine 
1200 panels soaked for 72 hours (•) and 1000 hours (■). 


Generally, the present invention provides a metal alloy coating. The coating 
is an emulsion that contains only environmentally friendly materials. The coating is 
able to meet all quality control standards with regard to electrical resistance, 
corrosion resistance, abrasion resistance, and adhesion to metal surface and 
topcoat (liquid and powder paints). 

The present invention provides a chrome-free, water-based, and hazardous 
air pollutant (HAPs)-free formulation for a pretreatment coating. The coating can be 
applied before any primers and topcoats are applied to a surface. These surface 
pretreatment coatings have excellent protective performance (alkaline and salt spray 
resistances) for galvanized steel (electrogalvanized and hot-dip, and galvalume), 
magnesium alloys (such as AZ31, AM20), titanium alloys (such as Ti-6AI-4V), and 
aluminum alloys (such as 2024-T3, 7075-T6), and other similar alloys for surface 
pretreatment and corrosion protections. The galvanized steel, and magnesium, 
titanium, and aluminum alloys are currently used in computer, cellular phone, 
notebook, bicycles, and aerospace industries. These surface coatings also offer a 
superior property for adding primers and/or topcoats. 


WO 03/076534 PCT/US03/06609 

More specifically, the coating of the present invention includes the following: 
60-70% by weight of water, 15-25% by weight of resins, 10-20% by weight 
hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)-free co-solvents (such as dipropylene glycol normal 
butyl ether - DPnB, propylene glycol normal butyl ether - PnB), 0.4-5% by weight 
organofunctional silanes (such as functionalized mercaptosilianes, functionalized 
aminosilanes, functionalized vinylsilanes), 0.1-1.0% by weight corrosion inhibitors, 
0.1-1.0% by weight metal chelating agents, and a trace amount of pH adjusting 
agents. A specific example of a surface base-coat formulation is as follows: the 
chrome-free, HAPs-free, and water-based emulsion contains 94 g water, 32 g acrylic 
co-polymer resin, 25 g HAPs-free co-solvents, 0.54 g chrome-free corrosion 
inhibitors, 0.2 g metal chelating agents, 0.27 g pH adjusting agents, and 3 g 
functionalized silanes. 

The term "resin" includes, but is not limited to, acrylic emulsion, polyurethane 
emulsion, co-polymer emulsion, and other similar compounds. This list is included 
to exemplify the resins that can be used. The list is not intended to be exhaustive. 
Those of skill in the art know additional resins that are of a sub-micrometer or 
nanometer particle size that can be utilized in the present invention. 

The phrase "organofunctional silanes" as used herein is intended to include, 
but is not limited to, silanes that are sterically hindered substituents located at silicon 
atoms. Preferably, the functional groups are vinyl, epoxy, sulfur, amino, and other 
similar groups. This list is included to exemplify the organofunctional silanes that can 
be used. The list is not intended to be exhaustive. Those of skill in the art know 
additional organofunctional silanes that can be utilized in the present invention. 

By "corrosion inhibitor" as used herein, the phrase is intended to include, but 
is not limited to, silicates, vanadates, metaborates, manganates, phosphates, 
mercapto-compounds, xanthic acid salts, dithiocarbamic acid salts, organic 
carboxylates, and other similar compounds. This list is included to exemplify the 
corrosion inhibitors that can be used. The list is not intended to be exhaustive. 
Those of skill in the art know additional corrosion inhibitors that can be utilized in the 
present invention. 

The phrase "pH adjusting agent" as used herein is intended to include, but is 
not limited to, the following agents: ammonia, organic amines, and other similar 
agents. This list is included to exemplify the pH-adjusting agents that can be used, 


WO03/076|34 ~ PCT/US03/06609 

the list is not intended to be exhaustive. Those of skill in the art know additional pH 
adjusting agents that can be utilized in the present invention. 

The term "protection" as used herein means that the coating composition 
forms a layer inhibiting oxidation of the underlying surface and resisting the alkaline 
solution washing (or degreasing). The coating of the present invention is able to 
protect the underlying surface from corrosion. For example, when the coating of the 
present invention was applied to a surface, no corrosion is detected after 96 hours in 
salt (fog) spray test (ASTM B1 17). The coating shows no removal of paint film after 
subjecting to 2-3% trisodium phosphate solution at 65 oC for 3-5 minutes. 

The coating formulation of the present invention is preferably applied to the 
surface of a metal alloy substrate using techniques known to those of skill in the art. 
The preferred magnesium alloy substrate for use in the present invention has 
excellent forgeability to form a thin casing with sharp bottom edges, corners and 
projections whose inner surfaces preferably have radii of curvature of about 2 mm or 
less, particularly about 1 mm or less. Preferably, the magnesium alloy used in the 
present invention has a composition of 1-6 weight percent of Al, 0-2 weight percent 
of Zn and 0.5 weight percent or less of Mn, the balance being substantially Mg and 
inevitable impurities. 

When the amount of aluminum is less than one weight percent, the 
magnesium alloy has poor toughness, though it is well forgeable. On the other hand, 
when the amount of aluminum is more than six weight percent, the magnesium alloy 
has poor forgeability and corrosion resistance. The preferred amount of aluminum is 
two to four weight percent, particularly about three weight percent. 

Zinc has similar effects as those of aluminum. From the aspect of forgeability 
and metal flow, Zn is preferably zero to two weight percent. The preferred amount of 
Zn is zero to one weight percent. 

If added in a small amount, magnesium functions to improve the 
microstructure of the magnesium alloys. From the aspect of mechanical properties, 
magnesium is preferably 0.5 weights percent or less. 

The magnesium alloy can contain other elements such as rare earth 
elements, lithium, zirconium, etc., in such amounts as not to adversely affect the 
forgeability, mechanical strength, etc. of the magnesium alloys, usually in a total 
amount as small as 0.2 weight percent or less. 


WO 03/076534 ^ ' PCT/US03/06609 

The magnesium alloys satisfying the above composition requirements are 
commercially available as AZ31 (Al: about 3 weight percent, Zn: about 1 weight 
percent, Mn: 0.2-0.3 weight percent, Mg and inevitable impurities: balance), AM20 
(Al: about 2 weight percent, Mn: about 0.5 weight percent, Mg and inevitable 
impurities: balance), etc., in ASTM. 

The magnesium alloy body is preferably formed into a thin forged casing by at 
least two steps. In a preferred embodiment, the forging comprises a first forging step 
and a second forging step. If necessary, a further forging step can be added 
between the first and second forging steps. 

The first forging step involves shaping the body. The magnesium alloy body 
can be in any shape such as rectangular parallelepiped, cylinder, etc., as long as it 
is forgeable to a desired shape. However, it has been found that when the 
magnesium alloy body is in a thick bulk shape, the resultant forged product has flow 
marks on the surface. The term "flow marks" means marks indicating traces of 
plastic flow of the magnesium alloy occurring during the forging process. 

When a thin magnesium alloy body is forged at a low compression ratio, the 
flow marks can be suppressed, because disturbed plastic flow does not occur at a 
low compression ratio. The term "compression ratio" used herein means a ratio 
(percentage) expressed by the formula: [(to -tf)/to ]x100%, wherein to is an original 
thickness of the magnesium alloy body to be forged, and tf is a thickness of the 
forged product. 

A compression ratio is preferably within 75% in the first forging step and 
within 30% in the second forging step to sufficiently suppress the flow marks on the 
resultant thin forged casings. To achieve the above compression ratios, the 
magnesium alloy body is preferably in a thin plate shape having a thickness of about 
3 mm or less. With such a thin magnesium alloy plate, the mechanism of plastic flow 
can be utilized to produce a thin forged casing with no flow marks. Because the 
original surface conditions of the magnesium alloy plates are substantially kept on 
the forged products, it is preferable to use the magnesium alloy plates with 
extremely small surface roughness. In the case of a round magnesium alloy rod, the 
compression ratio can usually be more than 80%. 

In the case of forming a forged casing of about 1.5 mm or less in thickness, 
with an anodic oxidation coating for exhibiting metallic glow, it is important to forge a 


WO 03/076534 


thin magnesium alloy plate of about 3 mm or less, preferably about 2 mm or less, 
particularly about 1-1 .5 mm in thickness. 

Though the size of the magnesium alloy plate can be determined depending 
on the compression ratio, it is preferable that the magnesium alloy plate is equal to 
5 or slightly larger than a bottom area of the final thin forged casing. When the 
magnesium alloy plate is too large, the resultant thin forged casings are likely to 
have wrinkles at bottom edges and corners, lowering the yield of the final products. 
On the other hand, when the magnesium alloy plate is too small, the resultant thin 
forged casings are unlikely to be uniform in thickness in peripheries. 

10 The magnesium alloy body to be forged is first preheated uniformly at a 

temperature of 350-500° C, slightly higher than the forging temperature of the 
magnesium alloy body. The preheating temperature of the magnesium alloy body is 
defined herein as a temperature of atmosphere inside an electric furnace in which 
the magnesium alloy body is heated. 

15 If the preheating temperature is lower than 350° C, the magnesium alloy does 

not smoothly flow into the die cavity during the forging process, thus failing to make 
the thickness of the resultant forged casing as small as about 1 .5 mm or less. If the 
preheating temperature is higher than 500° C, the magnesium alloy body is totally or 
partly melted, resulting in extreme metal flow marks appearing on the surface, which 

20 makes it impossible to obtain a thin forged casing with high quality. Also, a higher 
temperature causes excessive oxidation and even burning of the magnesium alloy 
during the forging process. The preferred preheating temperature of the magnesium 
alloy body is 350-450° C, particularly 400-450° C. 

25 alloy body is severely oxidized, adversely affecting the forgeability, corrosion 
resistance, and surface appearance of the resultant thin forged casing. The 
preheating of the magnesium alloy body is carried out in vacuum or in an inert gas 
atmosphere such as an argon gas, etc. 

30 alloy body. For instance, it is about 10-20 minutes for a cylindrical magnesium alloy 
body of 30 mm in diameter and 10-30 mm in length. If the magnesium alloy body 
were in a thin plate shape of about 3 mm or less in thickness, the preheating time 
would be sufficient to be as short as 5-15 minutes. 

If the magnesium alloy body is heated in the air, a surface of the magnesium 

The preheating time is determined depending on the size of the magnesium 


WO 03/076534 


The first forging step can be carried out on the magnesium alloy body under 
conditions of a die temperature of 350-450° C, a compression pressure of 3-30 
tons/cm 2 , a compressing speed of 10-500 mm/sec, and a compression ratio of 75% 

the die temperature is lower than 350° C, the preheated magnesium alloy body is so 
cooled by contact with the die that sufficient metal flow cannot be achieved during 
the first forging step, resulting in rough forged surface. On the other hand, when the 
die temperature is higher than 450° C, the forged product cannot easily be removed 
10 from the die. The preferred die temperature is 360-420° C. The first forging 
temperature is about 50-80° C lower than a temperature at which the magnesium 
alloy starts melting to prevent the magnesium alloy from melting locally during the 
first forging step. 

15 die blocks is 3 tons/cm 2 or more. When the compression pressure is less than 3 
tons/cm 2 , the resultant intermediate forged product cannot be made fully thin. The 
upper limit of the compression pressure can usually be determined based upon the 
compression ratio. Too high compression pressure causes damage to the edges of 
the die. In addition, even though the compression pressure exceeds 30 tons/cm 2 , 

20 further improvements in the quality of the forged products cannot be obtained. The 
upper limit of the compression pressure is 30 tons/cm 2 . The preferred compression 
pressure in the first forging step is 5-25 tons/cm 2 . 

The compressing speed of the magnesium alloy body can be 10-500 mm/sec. 
When the compressing speed is less than 10 mm/sec, the productivity of the 

25 intermediate forged products is too low. When the compressing speed is more than 
500 mm/sec, metal flow cannot follow the compression of the magnesium alloy 
body, resulting in disturbed metal flow, which leads to extreme flow marks on the 
surface of the body. The preferred compression speed in the first forging step is 50- 
300 mm/sec. 

30 The compression ratio is preferably within 75% in the first forging step to 

sufficiently suppress the flow marks on the resultant intermediate forged products. If 
the compression ratio exceeds 75%, it is difficult to prevent the flow marks from 
appearing on the surfaces of the resultant intermediate forged products. The more 

or less. 


The die temperature is almost equal to the first forging temperature. When 

The pressure at which the magnesium alloy body is compressed by a pair of 


WO 03/076534 PCT/US03/06609 

preferred compression ratio in the first forging step is 50-50%, particularly 18-45%. 
The forging can be carried out mechanically or hydraulically. 
The second forging step includes preheating the intermediate forged product. 
The intermediate forged product obtained in the first forging step is preheated 
5 uniformly at a temperature of 300-500° C in vacuum or in an inert gas atmosphere 
such as an argon gas, etc. If the preheating temperature of the intermediate forged 
product is lower than 300° C, smooth metal flow does not occur along the cavity 
surface of the forging die during the second forging step, thereby failing to precisely 
transfer the cavity surface contour of the second forging die to the final thin forged 
10 casing. If the preheating temperature is higher than 500° C, the intermediate forged 
product can be melted in portions subjected to strong friction, resulting in extreme 
flow marks appearing on the surface. The preferred preheating temperature of the 
intermediate forged product is 350-450° C. 

The preheating time of the intermediate forged product is also determined 
15 based upon the size of the intermediate forged product. For instance, it is about 5-15 
minutes for the intermediate forged product of 1 mm in thickness. 

The second forging step is preferably carried out on the intermediate forged 
product under the conditions of a die temperature of 300-400° C, a compression 
pressure of 1-20 tons/cm 2 , a compressing speed of 1-200 mm/sec, and a 
20 compression ratio of 30% or less. 

The die temperature is almost equal to the second forging temperature but 
can be slightly lower than the first forging temperature because the compression 
ratio is smaller in the second forging step than in the first forging step. When the die 
temperature is lower than 300° C, the preheated intermediate forged product is sb 
25 cooled by contact with the die that cavity surface contour cannot be precisely 
transferred from the second forging die to the resultant thin forged casing by the 
second forging step. When the die temperature is higher than 400° C, the forged 
product cannot easily be removed from the die. Therefore, the preferred second die 
temperature is 330-400° C. 
30 The compression pressure in the second forging step can be smaller than in 

the first forging step, and is preferably 1-20 tons/cm 2 . When the compression 
pressure is less than 1 tons/cm 2 , the resultant forged casing cannot be made fully 
thin with excellent surface contour. When the compression pressure exceeds 20 


WO 03/076534 PCT/US03/06609 

tons/cm 2 , further improvements in the quality of the forged products cannot be 
obtained. The preferred compression pressure in the second forging step is 5-15 
tons/cm 2 . 

The compressing speed of the intermediate forged product can be 1-200 
5 mm/sec. When the compressing speed is less than 1 mm/sec, the productivity of the 
forged casings is too low. When the compressing speed is more than 200 mm/sec, 
the cavity surface contour of the second forging die cannot be precisely transferred 
to the thin forged casing, failing to provide the thin forged casing with excellent 
surface conditions. The preferred compression speed in the second forging step is 

10 20-100 mm/sec. 

The compression ratio is preferably within 30% in the second forging step to 
sufficiently suppress the flow marks on the resultant thin forged casings. If the 
compression ratio exceeds 30%, it is difficult to prevent the flow marks from 
appearing on the surfaces of the resultant thin forged casings. The more preferred 

15 compression ratio in the second forging step is 5-20%. 

In one embodiment, the thin forged casing of the present invention can be a 
box-shaped, thin plate that has projections of various heights on either or both 
surfaces. The thickness of the thin plate in areas without projections is preferably as 
small as about 1.5 mm or less, more preferably about 1 mm or less. The projections 

2 0 can be bosses for screw holes, projections indicating alphabets, numbers and/or 
symbols, etc. Of course, the thin plate portion can have thinner regions than the 
remainder unless the thinner regions affect the mechanical strength of the thin 
forged casing. 

The thin forged casing of the present invention preferably has sharp bottom 
25 edges, corners and projections. Particularly in the case of small casings, for 
instance, those of minidisks, the inner surfaces of bottom edges and comers 
preferably have radii of curvature of 1 mm or less. Sharp bottom edges, corners, and 
projections whose inner surfaces have such small radii of curvature can be provided 
only by the forging method of the present invention. 
30 The resultant thin forged casing is trimmed at sidewalls by a cutter, etc. such 

that the sidewalls have exactly the same height. If necessary, screw bores can be 
formed in the boss projections. The thin forged casing can then be polished. 

After polishing, the thin forged casing is subjected to a surface coating such 


WO 03/076534 . PCT/US03/06609 

as an anodic oxidation coating, a paint coating, etc. and the anti-corrosion coating 
of the present invention. In the present invention, a chrome-free and HAPs-free 
aqueous emulsion is preferred. The coating can be applied in any manner known to 
those of skill in the art. Examples of such techniques include, but are not limited to, 
5 spraying the coating on the surface to be coated, dipping the surface in the coating 
composition, and painting the coating on the surface to be coated. 

The anodic oxidation coating can be applied using methods known to those of 
skill in the art. An electrolytic solution for anodic oxidation can have a composition 
comprising one or more of sodium dichromate, acidic sodium fluoride, acidic 
10 potassium fluoride, acidic ammonium fluoride, ammonium nitrate, sodium 
dihydrogenphosphate, ammonia water, etc. The electrolytic components can be 
combined depending on the composition of the magnesium alloy, the desired color 
of the thin forged casing, etc. 

Because the anodic oxidation coating is generally transparent with or without 
15 tint, the anodized thin forged casing keeps metallic gloss inherent in the magnesium 

Though the paint coating can be applied with any paint, it is preferable to coat 
a clear paint if metallic gloss is desired. The clear paint can be made of 
thermosetting acrylic resins, polyester resins, epoxy resins, etc. without or trace of 

20 pigments like clear coatings of automobiles, etc. Before coating, the thin forged 
casing is preferably subjected to a surface base-coat of aqueous emulsion with the 
anti-corrosive treatment of the present invention. The anti-corrosive coating is 
applied as a single coat on the surface of the magnesium alloy. The coated alloy is 
thermally cured at approximately 125° C for three to five minutes. The dry film of 

25 final coating is approximately 1.6 ^m thick with a resistance of approximately 0.3a. 
The coating provides an excellent metal surface (and top coat) adhesion and can 
pass a salt spray test of >72 hours that is superior to those chemical conversion 
coatings known in the prior art. 

The invention is further described in detail by reference to the following 

30 experimental examples. These examples are provided for the purpose of illustration 
only, and are not intended to be limiting unless otherwise specified. Thus, the 
invention should in no way be construed as being limited to the following examples, 
but rather, should be construed to encompass any and all variations which become 


* WO 03/076534 PCT/US03/06609 

. evjdent as a result of the teachings provided herein. 


Example 1 = 

A chemically pretreated galvanized or zinc-alloy-plated steel sheet is 
5 commonly used to inhibiting corrosions of steel substrates. The processed 
galvanized steel has poor fingerprint resistance and earthing properties. The 
corrosion inhibition galvanized steel is also poor, leading to the formation of white 
rust covered the entire zinc coated steel in less than 24 hours in a salt (fog) spray 
test (ASTM B-117). The galvanized steel is utilized in large quantity for electronic 

10 parts, equipment or the like that require good fingerprint resistance, earthing 
properties, and corrosion resistance. In current industrial practice, the ultra thin 
organic coatings (about 1 micrometer thick) are generally applied on high-speed 
lines. This desired organic coating should have excellent anti-fingerprinting 
characteristics, resist to alkaline solution (i.e. 2% tri-sodium phosphate solution at 65 

15 degrees C for 2 minutes) and passes a 120 hours salt (fog) spray test (ASTM B1 1 7). 
These chrome- and HAP-free anti-fingerprint coatings have been tested at different 
independent laboratories, and have been shown to pass both alkaline solution 
washing and 120 hours salt (fog) spray tests. Two panels coated with this chrome- 
and HAP-free formulation were subjected to 120 hours of ASTM B-1 17 testing at the 

20 China Steel Corporation and are shown in Figures 1A and B. Figure 1A was tested 
without alkaline solution washing, and Figure 1B was tested after 2 minutes of 
alkaline washing at 65 °C. 

The most commonly used coating formulation in today's industrial practice is 
a water-based organic composite coating that contains water, resins (acrylic 

25 emulsion, polyurethane emulsion, co-polymer emulsion, etc.), isopropyl alcohol (co- 
solvent), and a large quantity of hexavalent chromates (corrosion inhibitors). This 
coating formulation works extremely well, but the hexavalent chromates are toxic 
and carcinogenic that cause lung cancer, and kidney and liver damage, and 
isopropyl alcohol is considered as hazardous air pollutants (HAPs). When OSHA 

30 implements the projected stringent limits within the next few years, many chromate 
prier end-users will find it difficult to comply with worker exposure limits and 
environmental safety. 

The competition and challenge started several years ago for developing the 



. WO 03/076534 

chrome-free and HAPs-free water-based anti-fingerprint coatings on galvanized 
steel for using on high-speed lines. There is no satisfactory formulation known 
currently that passes the required properties and that are chrome-free and HAPs- 
free. This invention is described for the first time, chrome-free and HAPs-free water- 
5 based anti-fingerprint coatings that pass all required tests. The coating formulations . 
contain 60-70% by weight of water, 15-25% by weight of resins (sub-micrometer or 
nanometer size resin particles, e.g. acrylic emulsion, polyurethane emulsion, co- 
polymer emulsion, etc.), 10-20% by weight of HAPs-free co-solvents, 0.5-5% of 
organofunctional silanes sterically hindered substituents at silicon atoms (the 
10 functional groups are vinyl, epoxy, sulfur, amino, etc.), 0.1-1.0% corrosion inhibitors 
(silicates, vanadates, manganates, phosphates, organic carboxylates, etc.) and a 
trace amount of pH adjusting agents (ammonia, organic amines, etc.). 

15 to their favorable strength to weight ratio, such as AZ91 and ZE41 . However, it is 
the corrosion resistance that often limits the applications of magnesium-based 
alloys. Furthermore, the surface of a magnesium alloy is known to be very difficult to 
coat. Even with the chromic acid (toxic and carcinogenic) treatment applied* it 
causes serious problems such as insufficient adhesive strength resulting from a 

20 release agent and unevenness of treatment involved and inadequate corrosion 
resistance incurred from slight impurities contained in the materials. 

The current surface treatment processed for magnesium alloys are chromate 
conversion coating non-chromate (i.e. manganate, vanadate, stannate, etc.) 
conversion coating, cold phosphate conversion coating, and galvanic anodizing 

25 treatment. The processes involve multiple steps and are error-prone and costly. 
The multi-step surface treatment technologies produce waste including organic 
solvents, heavy metals, and other toxic and deleterious materials. 

Applicants have used a green chemistry approach and developed an 
aqueous emulsion coating for surface treatment of magnesium alloys. The emulsion 

30 contains only environmentally safe chemicals, and precursors hybridized of acrylic 
co-polymers and silanes. 

A single-coat application of "Acryl-Mg-Sol" on magnesium alloy surface, 
followed by a thermal curing at 150 degrees C for 5 minutes has shown to give a dry 

Magnesium-based alloys are of interest for many industrial applications due 




WO 03/076534 

film thickness of approximately 1.6 u.m with a resistance of ~0.3 mo/cm. The 
protective film displays an excellent metal surface adhesion (5B, ASTM D3359), and 
has passed a salt (fog) spray test (ASTM B117) of >24 hours that is superior to a 
multi-step chrome (or dichromate) pickle treatment. 

5 FvamplA 3: 

The AFP (anti-fingerprint coating) was developed recently in applicant's lab. It 
has been shown to provide excellent metal surface pretreatment on bare cold-rolled 
steel (CRS), galvanized steel, magnesium alloys, and titanium alloys. Here, the AFP 
system is extended and applied to the untreated 2024-T3 Bare Al coupon, by 
io dipping and spinning off the excess emulsion. The pretreated Al coupon is then 
thermally cured at 150 °C (oven temperature) for 1 min. to give a treated 2024-T3 
Bare/AFP Al panel. A 0.8-0.9 mil dry film of AD9318/AD2298 chromate primer was 
prepared on 2024-T3 Bare/AFP and 2024-T3 Bare/Alodine 1200 coupons, and 
cured overnight at 49 °C. The resistance to corrosion of AFP and Alodine 1200 
15 surface pretreatment on 2024-T3 Bare aluminum alloy is examined by salt spray 
tests and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) scans. 

Figure 2 displays panels of 2024-T3 Bare/Alodine 1200 (photograph A) and 
on 2024-T3 Bare/AFP (photograph B) coated with AD9318/AD2298 primer after a 
1000 hour salt spray test. Both panels are free of white rust, field blisters, white pits, 
20 or other undesirable defects. The photograph shown in Figure 2A (Alodine 1200 
panel) shows stains along the X-scribe area. 

The photograph shown in Figure 2B (AFP panel) is free of stain. A slight 
discoloration (i.e., a leaching of chromate anti-corrosive pigments) is observed in 
Figure 2A, but not in Figure 2B. This is an important observation, because the non- 
25 chromate AFP surface pretreatment retains the chromate anti-corrosive pigments in 
the primer, while the Alodine 1200 pretreatment does not. The ability of AFP to 
retain the chromate pigments in the primer film will prolong the effect of corrosion 
resistance and, more importantly, reduces the possibility of chromate contaminations 
of the groundwater and environment. 
30 The salt spray testing results are in good agreement with the EIS 

measurements. Figure 3 shows the Bode-magnitude plots (frequency vs. 
impedance) of AD9318/AD2298 coated on 2024-T3 Bare/AFP panels after soaking 
in 3% NaCI solution for 72 hours (♦) and 1000 hours (A), and those on 2024-T3 


WO 03/076534 PCT/US03/06609 

3are/Alodine 1200 panels soaked for 72 hours (•) and 1000 hours (■). The paint 
film of AD9318/AD2298 coated on 2024-T3 Bare/AFP panel has a slope of nearly - 
1, indicating to a pure capacitor, with a high impedance value of 4 x 10 9 Q-cm 2 at 
0.01 Hz (♦). This high quality of paint film protective performance is completely 
5 retained after soaking in 3% NaCI solution for 1000h (A). On the other hand, the 
paint film of AD9318/AD2298 coated on 2024-T3 Bare/Alodine 1200 panel shows 
some stains in the salt spray test (Figure 2A) and thus gives a low impedance value 
of 4 x 10 7 Q-cm 2 (•) that is 100 times lower than the painted AFP panel. A reduction 
in impedance value is also observed for the painted Alodine 1200 panel after 
10 soaking in 3% NaCI solution for 1 000 hours (■). 

Throughout this application, author and year and patents by number 
reference various publications, including United States patents. Full citations for the 
publications are listed below. The disclosures of these publications and patents in 
their entireties are hereby incorporated by reference into this application in order to 
15 more fully describe the state of the art to which this invention pertains. 

The invention has been described in an illustrative manner, and it is to be 
understood that the terminology that has been used is intended to be in the nature of 
words of description rather than of limitation. 

Obviously, many modifications and variations of the present invention are 
20 possible in light of the above teachings. It is, therefore, to be understood that within 
the scope of the described invention, the invention may be practiced otherwise than 
as specifically described. 



WO 03/076534 



What is claimed is: 

5 1. A coating composition comprising a chrome-free environmentally friendly 

2. The coating according to claim 1, wherein said composition includes water, 
resins, hazardous air pollutants-free co-solvents, organofunctional silanes, metal 
chelating agents, and chrome-free corrosion inhibitors. 
10 3. The coating according to claim 2, wherein said composition further includes at 
least one pH adjusting agent. 

4. The coating according to claim 2, wherein said water is present in a range of 60- 
70% by weight, and preferably present in a range of 61-63% by weight. 

5. The coating according to claim 2, wherein said resin is present in a range of 15- 
15 25% by weight and preferably in a range of 20-23% by weight is preferred. 

6. The coating according to claim 2, wherein said resin is of a size selected from the 
group consisting essentially of micro- and nano- particle size. 

7. The coating according to claim 5, wherein said resin is selected from the group 
consisting essentially of an acrylic emulsion, a polyurethane emulsion, a co-polymer 

20 emulsion, and other similar compounds. 

8. The coating according to claim 2, wherein said hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)- 
free co-solvents are present in a range of 10-20% by weight and preferably in a 
range of 15-17% by weight. 

9. The coating according to claim 1 1 , wherein said hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)- 
25 free co-solvents are selected from the group consisting essentially of DPnB and PnB 


10. The coating according to claim 2, wherein said organofunctional silanes are 
present in a range of 0.4-5% by weight and preferably in a range of 1.5-2.5 % by 
weight is preferred. 

30 11. The coating according to claim 10, wherein said organofunctional silanes 
include sterically hindered substituents located at silicon atoms. 
12. The coating according to claim 11, wherein said substituents are selected from 
the group consisting essentially of vinyl, epoxy, sulfur, amino, functionalized 


WO 03/076534 


mercaptosilanes, and aminosilanes.- 

13. The coating according to claim 2, wherein said corrosion inhibitors are present 
in a range of 0.1-1.0% by weight and preferably in a range of 0.3-0.5% by weight is 

5 14. The coating according to claim 11, wherein corrosion inhibitor is selected from 
the group consisting essentially of silicates, vanadates, metaborates, manganates, 
phosphates, mercapto-compounds, xanthic acid salts, dithiocarbamic acid salts, 
organic carboxylates, and other similar compounds. 

15. The coating according to claim 3, wherein said composition includes trace 
10 amounts of pH adjusting agents. 

16. The coating according to claim 15, wherein pH adjusting agent is selected from 
the group consisting essentially of ammonia, organic amines, and other similar 

17. A metal alloy coated with the coating composition as set forth in claim 1. 
15 18. An anti-corrosion coating comprising the composition set forth in claim 1. 

19. An anti-fingerprint coating comprising the composition set forth in claim 1. 

20. A highly adhesive coating to the metal alloys and galvanized steel as set forth in 
claim 1 . 

21. A highly adhesive coating to the subsequent liquid and powder paints as set 
20 forth in claim 1 

22. The galvanized and galvalume coats with the coating composition as set forth in 

claim 1 . 

WO 03/076534 • PCT/US03/06609 


( z uid uiqo) |zl 


International application No. 


D>C(7) : C09D 5/12, B32B 15/08 

US CL : see electronic DB search indicated below 
According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and IPC 


Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols) 
U.S. : see electronic DB search indicated below 

Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched 

Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used) 
Please See Continuation Sheet 


Category * 

Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages 

Relevant to claim No. 


US 5,451,431 (PURNELL et al.) 19 September 1995 (19.09.1995), column 1, lines 10-16. 

US 5,077,332 (BLATTLER et al.) 31 December 1991 (31.12.1991), column 1, lines 5-11. 

US 5,879,436 (KRAMER et al.) 9 March 1999 (09.03.1999). 

US 6,437,036 Bl (GESSNER et al.) 20 August 2002 (20.08.2002). 

1, 17-22 

1, 17-22 

| | Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. 1 I See patent family annex. 

* Special categories of cited documents: 

"A" document defining the general state of the ait which is not considered to be 
of particular relevance 

"E" earlier application or patent published on or after the international filing date 

"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is cited to 
establish the publication date of another citation or other special reason (as 

u O" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or other means 

M P" document published prior to the international filing date but later than the 
priority date claimed 

later document published after the international filing date or priority 
date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand the 
principle or theory underlying the invention 

document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be 
considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an Inventive step 
when the document is taken alone 

document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be 
considered to involve an inventive step when the document is 
combined with one or more other such documents, such combination 
being obvious to a person skilled in the art 

document member of the same patent family 

Date of the actual completion of the international search 
06 June 2003 (06.06.2003) 

Date of mailing of the international 



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Continuation of B. FIELDS SEARCHED Item 3: 


428/425.8,447 and solvents 1 and (corrosion adj inhibit$) and (emulsion or resin$l or polymer$l) and silane$l 
252/389.22,389.23,389.31,389.32 and so!vent$l and (emulsion or resin$l or polymer$l) and silane$l 

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